BonaireTalk Discussion Group
Diving Bonaire: No, no, no, try again
Bonaire Talk: Diving Bonaire: Archives: Archives 1999-2005: Archives - 2000-12-29 to 2002-08-31: No, no, no, try again
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By jason thomas on Thursday, June 7, 2001 - 11:53 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

"Whats the lake like? Viz, fish life, and stuff".

I meant the freshwater lake!!


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Barry Gassert on Friday, June 8, 2001 - 1:46 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Jason, the only freshwater 'lake' is a big rain puddle :):) If you mean the salina's, then that's a different story....viz - zero; stuff - mucky as hell (maybe from flamingo do-do) and hotter than bath water in spots; fish - limited to birds.

"Goto" is the largest salina and off limits to any human activity in the water - no walking, fishing, boating, swimming, etc. You can walk in the other salina's, but for the life of me, unless you are lost, why would you want to? The slaves had to because that's where they made salt in the old days.

On a side note: there are no fresh water streams, lakes, ponds, etc on Bonaire. There is evidence of fresh water, but that dates back to when Bonaire was much farther East (in the days when it was near Central America before the tectonic plate drifted to the current position).

There are some springs that provided water to the earlier inhabitants of the island. Drinking water (which is the best in the world) comes from the sea and distilled at the water and electric plant.

Sorry for the disappointment.


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