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Diving Bonaire: HSA on Bonaire, Redux
Bonaire Talk: Diving Bonaire: Archives: Archives 2006: Archives - 2006-08-01 to 2006-12-31: HSA on Bonaire, Redux
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Barbara "CB" Gibson (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #348) on Monday, October 30, 2006 - 12:11 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

A little while ago I asked about HSA instructors on Bonaire, needing a referral for my friend's student. I said I'd post what I found out, so here it is.
Divi doesn't have a HSA instructor; when an
HSA group goes there they bring their own instructor. Plaza doesn't have an HSA instructor; there had been speculation that they did. My friend never heard back from these places, but Susan Davis, on island, was kind enough to poke around for me and give me an answer.
Wannadive very kindly responded to my friend right away, saying they would be flexible for him in completing his ocean dives, then wrote again saying they didn't think they could. As I understand it, a non HSA instructor can do the certification if they are able to, and this was going to be the case at Wannadive.
My friend's student had made arrangements at Harbor Village, and is going to go there, but their dive operation said that if he couldn't do all the skills to the regular PADI format, they couldn't certify him.
All the HSA instructors who were visiting the island were very nice in offering to help him out, but he was arriving just when they were leaving...too bad!
There. That's all I could find out. As far as I know, there isn't an HSA instructor to be had. If anybody knows anything better or different, please feel free to chime in.

(Message edited by barbara_gibson on October 29, 2006)


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