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Everything Else Bonaire: Need help with ALM and baggage
Bonaire Talk: Everything Else Bonaire: Archives: Archives 1999 - 2004: Archives - 1999-05-27 to 2000-07-25: Need help with ALM and baggage
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Anonymous on Tuesday, June 1, 1999 - 1:08 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Does anybody know how many carryons ALM airlines allows and what are the limitations? I called ALM directly and couldn't get a straight answer out of them. First they said one carryon limited to 20#'s total, then they changed it to 25#'s. They also said that only one carryon is allowed, and that purses and briefcases are considered carryons (most airlines don't consider these carryons). Then they changed their story and said total weight of two carryons cannot exceed 20#'s. Help. We want to minimize the amount of dive gear we have to check. Anybody out there with experience hauling dive gear to Bonaire, have any suggestions?


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Jake Richter on Tuesday, June 1, 1999 - 1:54 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

The only time I've ever had a problem with hand and checked luggage for ALM is when my check bags exceeded two per person in the party and/or when any checked bag was over 70 lbs. I frequently carry a rollaway bag and a separate computer bag on ALM's MD-81 planes (the ones used between the U.S. and the Antilles), total weight significantly exceeding 20 pounds, and have never had this be an issue.

However, when you board the small Dash-8s, which fly between Bonaire and Curacao, for example, you will be asked to gate check any large bag, and for good reason - the overhead bins are tiny. I usually repack all my fragile things (computers, cameras) into a backpack just for that leg of my trip, and gatecheck my rollaway bag. I then pick up the latter when I deplane and in the airport repack for the larger flights where such carry ons are viable.

I hope that helps,



Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Cheryl A. Roberts on Friday, June 4, 1999 - 3:39 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

We packed our scuba gear in a large dive bag and carried our regulators in a gym bag (along with swim suits, a towel, and medications, toothbrush, case our bags got lost) and my husband carried that on. I carried a backpack with the same kinds of necessities and a tote with books, snacks, etc.. We had no problems with that type of carry-ons and we rode the Dash 8's.

A few things to remember are:

GET THERE EARLY! Your bags have less of a chance in getting "lost" if you are not the last to arrive at the gates to check in.

BE PATIENT!! If you decide to take an earlier flight, say from Curacao over to Bonaire, your bags might not come till later. That's why you should carry on the "necessities" so that if you have to go back to the airport later to get your bags, you will have what you need to unwind after your flight. This is a good time to knock out that souvineer shopping, get groceries, etc... At least that is what we did while waiting for our bags to arrive!

Hope this helps also!


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