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Everything Else Bonaire: Rincon Athletic Club to Return to Bonaire
Bonaire Talk: Everything Else Bonaire: Archives: Archives 1999 - 2004: Archives - 2002-03-27 to 2002-12-01: Rincon Athletic Club to Return to Bonaire
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Dave Goodwin on Friday, October 11, 2002 - 3:55 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

This is the official announcement that the Rincon Athletic Club will be making yet another trip to Bonaire.

Exactly seven weeks from right now, we will be on island, drinking a Bright, and going through the painful ordeal of getting our rental vehicles.....

After that, a "quick" check-in at the SadDollar (official flop-house of the RAC), and it's off to the Rose-Inn for booze, funchi, and Andy Williams. I can already smell the inticing aroma of Jan's home rolled cigarettes. It always reminds me how glad I am that the Rose-Inn is open air.

We will be wearing our specially designed shirts for part of the trip, so watch for us. Autographs are always free, but advice is usually costly - especially if you are on the recieving end of it.

Our dive profile will look something like this: Dive early, dive often, dive tomorrow

Unfortunately, the entire RAC will not be making this trip. They are definetely the unlucky ones, as they will have to experience the trip through stories, pictures, and videos as opposed to actually being there. Too bad.....

(We got incredible prices from Air Jam - $400/person round trip!)

Watch the streetcam, because we "may" show up for a brief visit. We will be wearing our black & red bowling shirts that have the inscription "Rincon Athletic Club" on them.

A detailed Trip Report will be given after returning from Bonaire. As always, everything will be wonderful, relaxing, and down right great - no matter what happens!

And if you ask nicely, we could be persuaded to bring things for folks. But only things that are necessary - like..... almost anything. Limited space, so first come first served.

As always looking forward to it. The real reason for the post, is because I'm just too darn excited about finalizing the plans that I had to do something!!! I can't post a trip report until AFTER we return, and that is too far away. I'm pumped.

Seven weeks seems like an awful long time to go....


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Ida Christie on Friday, October 11, 2002 - 4:53 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

It will be here before you know it. And then.....


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Carole Baker on Friday, October 11, 2002 - 5:14 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Sounds like you folks will be having a ball while on the island....too bad Joe and I won't be there to join in the festivities. Have a round (or two) on us, OK? RAC Rules! Carole


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Dave Goodwin on Friday, October 11, 2002 - 6:00 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post


Yes we will have a great time, as always. It's not too late for you and Joe to join us. The initiation ceremonies into the Rincon Athletic Club are not as devastating or humilitating as what you may have heard or been led to believe. They are actually quit tame and laid back. If you decide to make plans to go with us, please let me know. I'll need a couple of weeks to get the initiation supplies ready. (where can I find a sheep on Bonaire?)

Drink a round or two for you? Well, personally, we like to keep all the rounds to ourselves.... but in this case we *may* make an exception and drink a couple for you. But two is your limit!!! Don't ask for any more than that! We can only be expected to *give* so much.....

It's amazing...... we will be on the island for a week, but when we go to Flamingo Airport for our departure, it always seems as though we just arrived the day before! Where does the time go? Do the laws of quantum physics just not exist on Bonaire?

Thanks for your support and well wishing. We are looking forward to another outstanding dive trip.



Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Mercy Baron on Saturday, October 12, 2002 - 1:13 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Dave it's true. There is a warp in the time/space continuum when in Bon! does sound like you're arriving when I am on the 29th of Nov?? If so, I am putting together a BTalkers dinner at Hullandes Grill on Dec 8...will you still be there? If you're only there one week, maybe not, and you're just missing the big windsurfing competiton!

But I digress! Please get in touch with me and at least let's do dinner. I will be hanging out with many BT people when I get there and I'm sure we can get some for a dinner together on another night.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Dave Goodwin on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 9:52 am:     Edit PostPrint Post


We are always up for ANYTHING!

We are leaving on December 6th, so we won't be able to make your Dec 8th festivities.

However, anything else you have in mind would be great. Just let me know the specifics, and we will plan accordingly. But be forwarned...... we don't do a lot of "planning" while on Bonaire. We just kinda let things happen. A get together sounds fun, but I can't *gaurantee* our attendance. We'll make every effort to show, but when we are on Bonaire-time, things just seem to take their own course......(that whole space/time continum warp thing-a-ma-bob)

I am honored you asked and are thinking of us (everyone wants to join the RAC!!). If you plan something, please let me know. We'll do everything we can to show - especially if we run out of Amstel and have to go to town anyway!

See you (maybe) on Bonaire......


P.S. That brings up another question that I'm not sure I've ever seen answered. Is it "...on Bonaire..." or " Bonaire..." I want to make sure I am using correct English! I've seen it both ways. "...on Bonaire..." sounds better to me - but that doesn't mean it's correct.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Dave Goodwin on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 3:46 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Two weeks and counting......

I could've smacked my daughter...... she said she wasn't sure if she *really* wanted to go or not. She has a new boyfriend and doesn't want to be away from him for a week.

I told her she WAS going. She didn't much like it when I said it would be good for her to be away from him for awhile.

Kid leads too good a life if she thinks it's better to stay home with her boyfriend rather than go diving on Bonaire.




Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Carole Baker on Saturday, November 16, 2002 - 1:17 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

It just makes you wonder, doesn't it Dave??!~ LOL. Young love....she will be better off in Bonaire...much more beautiful and less tempting in many other ways....she will survive, trust me! You lucky devil, you...two weeks go to....Carole


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