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Everything Else Bonaire: A newbie asks...
Bonaire Talk: Everything Else Bonaire: Archives: Archives 1999 - 2004: Archives - 2003-04-30 to 2004-02-25: A newbie asks...
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By barbara sands (New BonaireTalk Poster - Post #2) on Sunday, November 23, 2003 - 12:26 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Hi. Going on my first trip to Bonaire in March. I have loved to kayak in the ocean and in the marshes on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. While my friends go diving, I'd like to be in a rented kayak learning about the wildlife and the Caribbean ocean. I thought I'd "put in" at my leisure after I get some good tips on where to go and where to not go. I really don't want to join a guided group-type-thing. But, I found only one place so far that's "willing" to let me take a kayak for a week (and they want as much money as it would take to buy a new one in Massachusetts). Where do folks rent their kayaks in Bonaire? What should I expect to pay? Are there other individuals or small numbers paddling around or is kayaking not so popular?


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By C Poteet (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #167) on Sunday, November 23, 2003 - 4:06 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Barbara -

Bon bini a Bonaire Talk!

I do not know what resources you have found so far to locate a kayak rental on Bonaire, but perhaps this will help:

I have not seen a lot of kayaking on Bonaire, but we are not skilled at the sport and it may be simply because we were not looking. For an experienced kayaker, which you seem to be, there would appear to be some good paddling all around the west side of the island, giving due consideration to shipping lanes.

I do hope you find a suitable rental facility and, if you have the slightest inclination, I do hope you try snorkeling in Bonaire waters. It would be a shame to go to one of, literally, the best snorkeling spots on earth and not at least stick your head in the water.

We hope you will file a trip report on Bonaire Talk when you return so that others, just as you have learned from them, can learn from you.

I think you're going to like Bonaire a great deal.

Charles Poteet


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Linda Richter - NetTech (Moderator - Post #1564) on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 8:52 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

I think most of the tourist kayaking is done in Lac Bay in and around the mangroves because the water is smooth and you don't have to worry about currents and strong winds.

Although we have seen diving and snorkelling kayakers tie off to the dive moorings on many occasions. Many of the dive shops that offer kayak rentals also teach diving from a kayak.

Discover Bonaire has probably got the best on-line info about kayaking routes see:


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By barbara sands (New BonaireTalk Poster - Post #4) on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 11:22 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Hi and thanks for your speedy and helpful responses. I've never had to demonstrate a roll with this middle-aged body and I don't plan to start now (Ha!). Seems to be what they like to teach down there. But I sure can get in and out with no problem. It's all in the location and one's sense of humor. As long as I know where I'm permitted to paddle and where it's safe I think I'll be okay. The cost still seems exorbitant unless I'm willing to go on a guided tour which I may have to do for the mangroves. Then it's cheap. My preference has always been to throw my snorkeling gear in to the boat along with plenty of drinking water, a mystery, and sometimes the dog, and go where the tides, birds and marine life take me. (Are there no tides at Bonaire? No one has mentioned how they affect where you enter the water and how long before
you'll get beached.) Hmmm, I may schlep my inflatable kayak and hope that the marine life doesn't mistake my tush for a shark. Only thing is, it weighs a ton....and I don't know how the airline would deal. Yikes!


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Nathalie Meyfarth (BonaireTalker - Post #31) on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 12:48 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

A note of caution for inexperienced sea kayakers, the map on the site is best used as an example of possible routes for guided tours. For instance, Klein Bonaire looks like a perfect destination for an easy paddle, only a mile or so off-shore, a nice beach for a rest or snorkel, and an easy circumnavigation before heading back to Bonaire. However, returning most likely involves heading against 15mph winds across open ocean with chop. Is there someone who has kayaked to Klein who can comment on this? Even paddling along the calm west shoreline of Bonaire can be challenging for novices due to the off-shore wind and only intermittent options for put-ins given the shallow reef or limestone cliffs in many areas. In general, you want to stay close to shore to be in the "wind shadow," but far enough out to not hit reef, or in some areas, be knocked around by waves rebounding off the limestone over hang.

Barbara, you'll find kayaking on Bonaire totally different than Cape Cod, but still enjoyable I think. On Bonaire there is no factoring in tides and very few areas with strong currents, but wind and limited put in spots are factors. Unlike the Cape with its irregular sandy coastline, gradual drop off, and many shallow inlets and estuaries, Bonaire's coast is relatively uninterrupted and drops off 100-200ft close to shore. However, the mangrove area fringing Lac Bay is calm and interesting. I suggest going with a guide the first time. If you do go independently, I suggest not putting in on the Jibe City (south) side of the bay, because it's the opposite shore and a very long paddle fighting strong wind and dodging wind surfers to get to the mangrove area.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By barbara sands (New BonaireTalk Poster - Post #5) on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 3:16 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Natalie-Thx for the factual pieces and suggestions.
Linda & Charles-Yes, I'm looking forward to snorkeling. My friend tells me it's even more beautiful than St. John. Thanks for your enthusiasm.


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