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Community Chat: Teacher Apperciation
Bonaire Talk: Community Chat: Teacher Apperciation
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By RObert Carter (BonaireTalker - Post #70) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 4:07 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

To all those teachers out there in Bonaire talk and land (me being one of them) enjoy the week of teacher apperciation. Teachers help the world go around and hopefully teach a thing or two.



Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Kelly(*) (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #6754) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 4:17 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

This is a joke, right?


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By RObert Carter (BonaireTalker - Post #71) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 4:30 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

I am sorry about the spelling on apperciation. In the USA this is the week to thank teachers. We all gained from teachers in one way or another.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Tom (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #3355) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 4:33 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

D- on the delivery Robert.

(Message edited by vtscuba on May 4, 2011)


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By I'll always be BOOM here! (BonaireTalk Deity - Post #14976) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 4:44 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

A+ on the thought though ♥


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By RObert Carter (BonaireTalker - Post #72) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 4:47 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Thanks it was kinda sad try though.
"If you can not laugh at yourself then you are just a bigger fool"


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Tom (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #3357) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 5:27 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

RObert, no malice was intended in my post, I so hope you knew that. I agree, I laugh at myself a lot!!! Doctors say too much at times, we're working on that. click


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Donna (Agent 99 wannabe) ) (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #6490) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 5:46 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Happy Teacher Appreciation!

My daughter, Andrea is going to be a teacher...PA has ALOT of budget cuts and teachers in all our districts are being layed off...programs cut, etc...very sad! :(


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By RObert Carter (BonaireTalker - Post #73) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 5:56 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

There are budget cuts all over. I hope that Andrea does well. I could always give her a good word here in Utah. :-)
I know there was no malice. Before becoming a teacher I used to be a nurse. I know how you doctors are. I still like you anyways. :-)
I mean no offense either.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By **Jim Mc **-- But you can all me Link (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #5411) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 6:57 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Yes, Tom is the Doctor of Love.

Donna, a lot is two words. Jim, still the teacher. LOL


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Donna (Agent 99 wannabe) ) (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #6492) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 7:03 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Too bad, Jim...I like it as one word!! alot alot alot alot alot alot alot nanananana

Seriously I am usually the one correcting people on things like that so....I know, but oh well...


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By **Jim Mc **-- But you can all me Link (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #5413) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 7:04 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Donna, you are so cool. :)


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Donna (Agent 99 wannabe) ) (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #6494) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 7:12 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By "Barbie"Ruth******Ken's forever love (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #5702) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 9:04 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

I still think about my favorite teachers in school. They certainly helped mold me into the person I am today! A huge thanks to them and all of the teachers out there who put up with so much from today's students. are one of my hero's! Retired or not :)

Thanks for the walk down memory lane, Robert. It was a good stroll!


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Barbara "CB" Gibson (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #6575) on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 10:02 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Happy Teechers' Appurasion Dey!!!

No, seriously...thanks to all the good folks that set me on the road.

I used to be one, then I starved....


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By **Jim Mc **-- But you can all me Link (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #5415) on Thursday, May 5, 2011 - 1:19 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

That is why for many years, I held three jobs. Hey, it was all part of growing up.

And Rufus, that is why I love ya sista. :)


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Kelly(*) (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #6756) on Thursday, May 5, 2011 - 8:56 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Sorry about that, I didn't mean it to sound, well, like it did! But I checked your profile, and it said "life is to short ..." and it should be "too", and I'm sure you know that, blah blah blah. BUT, to mitigate my point a little bit, I have a 5 year old starting kindergarten in August and well, you're a TEACHER. You should know those things. My daughter is in college to become a teacher, as well. Some of my best friends are teachers (Jim and Gaaaaary). Like police officers, I hold teachers to a much higher standard than your average bear.

And Happy Teacher Appreciation Day! I had one super good teacher my senior year, Mr. Murray. He encouraged me to enter into a public speaking contest, which terrified me, and I ended up with third place in the State of Ohio and a giant trophy. Craziness. Thank you, Mr. Murray.

Oh well. Carry on.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By RObert Carter (BonaireTalker - Post #74) on Thursday, May 5, 2011 - 9:40 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Wow, your post just made me break out laughing.
You have a five year old and a college student at the time. Wow you are amazing. I am glad that my children just all meow and I can leave them for weeks at a time and not get in trouble as long as they have food and water.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Kelly(*) (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #6757) on Thursday, May 5, 2011 - 10:00 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Yes, my kids are 18 LONG years apart! lol! I have a crazy life and love every minute of it. Stephanie crams for exams, and Riley has t-ball... that probably explains a bit of my sassiness. (I hope so anyway because that is the story I'm sticking to)

And thank you for being a teacher. Frankly, in this day and age (and specifically in Ohio with the ramifications of SB 5, which I will not get into because I get crazy eyes when I talk about it) it really IS something for people to decide to become a teacher. I applaud you!!


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